Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Will Knit for Pie

This week I've done something I promised myself I would never do. I took an order-a knitting order. Nothing kills my mojo quite like being asked to knit something in particular. So as a rule I just don't do it. That all changed a couple of weeks ago.

My friend Denise asked if I would be able to re-create a pair of mittens for her newest grandson Matty.  We share two grandsons Cooper and Morgan. Cooper and Morgan both wore this adorable pair of mittens. Denise's youngest daughter had a baby this past year and he got the hand-me-downs from Cooper and Morgan. This little pair of mittens were so cute. But unfortunately by the time they made it to Matty there was only one mitten. 

So Denise put it to me as a challenge of sorts. Could I re-create it? Was it possible?  I love a good challenge. And I find it hard to say no to Denise for a number of reasons that I won't get into here on the blog. So not only could I re-create it - I had visions of improving upon it.  

She asked me if I would also knit a matching neck warmer for Matty. We would square up payment later she suggested. I had no idea what to charge her. My time is valuable and that's one of the reasons why I usually won't take commissions and orders.  I never know what to charge because undercharging for handiwork is worse than overcharging in my mind.

And then I thought maybe we could do an exchange. There's a lot of things Denise can do that I can't. And then I thought about how much my daughter and my grandson Morgan loves pies. And then I thought about how terrible I am at making pastry. 

So I am getting pies - partridgeberry pies to be precise. For this gorgeous set below I am being paid in pastry and I couldn't be more proud. This Christmas we're going to have partridge berry pie for dessert. Hurrah!!! 

Not too shabby, hey?

At some point I may write up these patterns. I think they are super cute!