So I finally finished the 'Tilted Duster'. I love it, and have been wearing it non stop ever since. This is such a cozy sweater. Since the weather has been so freakin cold here lately, I must say, I really appreciate this cardigan. I was a little worried about washing it. A member of Raverlry contacted me about this yarn. Its supposed to superwash, but she washed out at Stephanie Japel pattern and it FELTED!!! I would have been devestated to have this felt! But the whole point of buying the superwash merino was to have a FO that I could just toss in the wash. So I threw caution to the wind and did just that...with no serious repercussions. I must say, it came out of the wash looking even better. I think I had almost over blocked it if possible.
Speaking of blocking, I'm having trouble deciding what do with my Argosy. Its finished, and the colours are gorgeous. But its angora and its not holding the shape of the lace well. Ravelry members are telling me to block this carefully, since angora felts easily. I've worn this scarf twice now, and I've been wearing it all bunched up around my neck. Now this sort of pains me since it doesn't show the beautiful lace stitches, but I'm afraid the scarf isn't substatial enough to wear any other way. Perhaps in the spring I will wear it knotted at the neck and sort of hanging, but for now I think I'll leave it as is.